Fishing quotas are allocated every year sometimes every 2 years. The reason for this is because each year the amount of fishing licences change based on your countries share judged by the EU. In the 90s the EU forced us to de commission 2 thirds of our fleet by slashing our /1
Quotas and restricting our days at sea whilst giving Grant's to other EU coastal states to build their fleets despite us having 80% of the good fishing grounds. We as fishermen have screamed and fought for fairness for years but Europe ignored us and decided to squeeze the /2
Life out of the industry. We still have a big industry but it's only a quarter of the size it was in the 90s despite us having all the fishing grounds we only now get 10- 15% of the quota which is vastly unfair.
To keep saying we sold our quota is so ridiculous when boats were /3
Made bankrupt so skippers were left with jobless crews I don't deny some of them may have sold the yearly quota that were of no use to them because they couldn't catch them. Personally I don't know anyone that did this because it's not a practice that took place in scotland /4
As like every other fisherman though I've spoken to guys from Brixham who are aware of this happening in England but not individual greedy fishermen as remainers always say it was co ops of boats which is usually a company that owns 10-20 boats at a time and just hire crews to /5
Fish them . From what I know from my knowledge of the industry these boats were sold because we had no days at sea to make them pay and hardly any allocation of fish to catch as it was all given to france and spain . No business can survive this and our govts over the years /6
Refused to help us so we are not all greedy men who sold off quotas that only get allocated each year anyway so cant be sold it's such a stupid arguement.The share of quotas shrunk because they destroyed our industry not because we all made millions from selling fantasy rights.😡
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