In other words, "Clearing blockades and police brutality is only okay when I do it against indigenous communities to make the fossil fuel lobby happy."
We also need no lessons in agricultural policy from a protectionist state which mollycoddles it's inefficient farmers with state patronage, to bribe rural voters.

All while pushing that African and Asian countries must end subsidies and open up their markets to Canadian exports.
"Trudeau famously declared himself a feminist, but he sells weapons to the most vicious and misogynistic government in the world.

Calling poverty sexist, he nevertheless implements policies that impoverish women in Canada and around the world."
His extremist No.2 "knew about her grandfather’s Nazi past...yet she has spent most of her career - first as a journalist, then as Canada’s powerful Foreign Minister, and now as as Deputy PM - praising her grandfather’s legacy and whitewashing the past."
It must be a real shock to Trudeau that Prime Ministers in other countries actually use their legislative mandate to enact their electoral promises.

While during his tenure, he has broken 67 campaign promises - 30% of his manifesto, one every 27 days. 
Jayant Dasgupta, former Indian Ambassador to the WTO, said,

“Canada has questioned India’s farm policies time and again, along with others like the Americans and Australians. Canadians also act at the behest of their major trade partners".

Very polite way to say "client state".
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