Seeing lots of HCW 🧵s go viral. I’m happy ya’ll are getting the much deserved attention. The public needs to hear your voices and stories because they matter. You’ve been through so much this year.

With only the best intentions, I want to share some advice for you to consider.
1. Tweet as though every post will go viral.

What are the consequences? Think about the benefits and potential risks with sharing the information.
2. Consider your patients.

Does it jeopardize the public’s trust in medical professionals? Avoid sharing any details that might shame patients for their beliefs, lifestyles or perceived ignorance. Even if the person is vile and represents evil, the deserve their privacy.
3. Think about the optics.

Tweets can unintentionally cause ppl to feel judged by HCWs. It lowers public trust in ALL medical professionals.

Remember my (now deleted) viral post about the unprofessional TikTok vid? She doubted symptoms of a 🫀 attack. The backlash was harsh.
4. Protect privacy, but be transparent.

If stories are embellished or fictitious, disclose it. You don’t want a thread to go viral and have people accuse you of lying.

Best case scenario, it’ll harm your reputation and credibility.
5. Don’t mislead your audience.

People don’t like feeling fooled. They will let you know. They might even contact your employer. Hopefully they won’t contact the medical licensing board.

Again, this comes from a place of concern. It’s a worst case scenario.
6. Determine the value.

What are the key takeaways? Who benefits from the thread? Your audience should. Any accolades, additional follower, and metrics of success should be secondary.

Controversial take, I know. Please don’t interpret it as diminishing your value and sacrifice.
Please trust me when I say that you do not want your COVID-19 posts going viral.

Doubts, insults, and politicization are overwhelming. It’s stressful. Your well-being is more important.
Important comments from your colleagues:
If you are a woman, mansplaining trolls are exhausting
“Twitter is mean”
“It changed how I use Twitter”
Expect accusations of clout chasing
So, again, treat every post as if it were to go viral.

Disclose if threads are embellished. When approached strategically, it doesn’t decrease the value of your posts.

Hope this was helpful.
You can follow @Sarah_Mojarad.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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