When I said in my @WomensPlayPrize video that people don’t want people in the room who remember what ‘things’ were done and said in the past in the name of ‘multiculturalism’, it’s definitely this. Don’t buy into the amnesia! Some shit went down!!!
And real change will only occur now only when some are willing to give up power. When you’re willing to say maybe this table/job/org can and will thrive without me. Maybe what people are asking for isn’t even a seat but the whole damn room. And maybe it is actually ‘what’s fair’.
Sometimes I get mad because when we talk about problem that has been created by people literally ignoring the talent in front of their eyes for 50 years and more in this country, never mind creating new pathways for new talent, everyone sits back and nods ‘yes of course racism’.
Yes of course ‘we have been institutional racist’ and ‘of course we will do more’. NO NO NO NO NO. You have robbed people of actual income, their ideas, rightful recognition for their talents, and their stories. Whole futures discarded because they don’t look like your mates.
As far as I’m concerned you’re only really talking/doing the work when you start looking for the spaces you can vacate. For rooms that you happily say ‘I have no business to be here’. When you start trusting ‘other’ people to do the work without needing your version of ‘quality’.
Anyway article actually made me happy. It’s honest. And more than ever we need honesty. Even if it stings a little. We do have an opportunity for real change in the arts and that’s exciting but it will never happen until we’re all looking at what we’re willing to change ourselves
What needs to be sacrificed and by whom? Some have been sacrificing a great deal for a long time. Biting our lips. Swallowing our pride. Facing violence in its many forms all day everyday. And still staying in the game. Still hoping...don’t doubt the strength hope takes.
p.s I happen to have a weakness for silver foxes *not four legged variety* so the mere mention of grey hair in this article makes it NSFW. And yes I just told on myself 😂😂😂
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