1\\ As we've been watching the hearings on election fraud in these contested states, I keep thinking about the phrase "The military is the only way."

There are several related drops, but D36 stands out to me. Everything is so corrupt, there is no other way than the military.
2\\ If the military is the only way, tho, why bother with lawsuits and fights with the MSM? Why not just invoke the Insurrection Act and take down these traitors?

Because the people won't accept it. They must first see it for themselves.
3\\ Before Nov 3rd, most people still believed the elections were mostly fair and honest. Minor attempts at fraud existed, sure, but nothing like widespread national vote rigging.

That fairytale has since been thoroughly and completely shattered these last several weeks.
4\\ This mass blackpilling of people concerning our elections reminds me of another drop we saw a lot of during the riots and violence just a couple short months ago: D4461.

Did you think "you must show them" was only about the riots?
5\\ We all had to be shown just how thoroughly corrupt our elections had become and just how deep that corruption had spread.

We all know there is corruption in D.C., but we also had to see the corruption at the state and local levels too. Even Republicans were in on it.
6\\ Evidence was collected and lawsuits were filed, only for us to run into yet another level of corruption: the courts.

Anons already know the level of corruption in these courts with activist judges running cover for the [DS]. But most others still needed to see it.
7\\ We've seen flagrantly asinine rulings from these judges, and obviously biased refusals to even consider the evidence in some cases.

Here and there a normal judge appears, but they are almost always overruled by corrupted higher courts.
8\\ All along this time, we've also been witnessing yet another level of corruption in the mainstream media (MSM). The full on suppression and refusal to cover any of these lawsuits fairly and accurately to keep the info from the people is criminal.

Even Fox News has thrown in.
9\\ And joining their more traditional MSM brethren, are the Big Tech tyrants, who happily label anything speaking honestly and factually as 'disputed'.

They're also quite happy in outright suspending or banning accounts that get a little too close to the truth.
10\\ In an effort to combat these corrupt and fraudulent acts, we reach out to our corrupted DOJ and FBI for assistance in restraining these bad actors, and are responded to with silence.

It's as if these agencies are also in on the fraud and do not want to get involved.
11\\ Every step of the way, we are met with fierce opposition and resistance. Integrity has no bearing and truth does not matter.

We are like Sisyphus, forever pushing the same infinitely heavy boulder up the same insurmountable hill.
12\\ We hold hearings with republican reps and senators from state legislatures presenting the evidence we've collected of widespread fraud.

Afterward, they're fully engaged, but there's only so many of them and the remaining legislature doesn't want the fight.
13\\ Unfortunately, the state legislatures will most likely fail at their attempts to reclaim the electoral power. But this is known and expected.

Why pursue it then, along with these hearings?

Because WTP and these legislatures need to know the truth being kept from them.
14\\ The Trump legal team, along with Sidney Powell and the white hats all know that these legal issues will end up in front of SCOTUS. They are using this time now in the lower courts to build their cases and spread the information (as much of it as they can) far and wide.
15\\ The MAGA legal team needs to have the people and the state legislatures on board when the real hammer drops after SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump.

Do you think Soros, et al. and the [DS] will simply accept a SCOTUS ruling that awards Trump his rightfully earned second term?
16\\ The [DS] and the Soros bunch, along with the MSM, will cry bloody murder when the SCOTUS ruling drops. They will not accept it.

They will blame ACB and refuse to concede. The riots will start again. The fires, the looting, the violence. The WH will be surrounded.
17\\ The [DS] will have their ghoulish black bloc brigades thoroughly convinced the election was stolen by Trump and that they need to remove him by force.

Tensions will rise until the hoards overrun the WH grounds and attempt to remove the POTUS, who will be absent.
18\\ It is around this time we will get the message via Twitter: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us." and the Insurrection Act will be finally invoked.

The military and federalized NG will restore order to the streets, and will conduct all investigations into the fraud.
19\\ What evidence do you think they'll use to conduct these investigations? Possibly all the evidence being collected now and being displayed for all to see in these hearings? Would they add more of their own evidence?

Treason will be declared and perp walks will begin.
20\\ If you don't think POTUS has these authorities under the Insurrection Act, I'd refer you to D11, where the authority is directly implied.
21\\ So we're just waiting on the SCOTUS rulings and the invocation of the Insurrection Act. That's what all this is leading up to.

POTUS and white hats had to show the people the truth and that all options to correct the fraud had been expended before invoking the Act, however.
22\\ So what does this mean for we Patriots right now? Do we sit back and do nothing? No. We stand and we fight! We continue protesting and shouting and calling our reps to support each other. We share the truth of the evidence far and wide. We push back against the MSM narrative.
23\\ We must let our supportive reps know that we stand with them, and we must let other Patriots know they are not alone.

Do not hang your head when the "losses" come for we knew they would. They must to prove the necessity of the actions to be taken later.
24\\ Stand tall, Patriot, knowing your voice will be heard.

Stand tall, Patriot, knowing the truth will be shown.

Stand tall, Patriot, knowing the corruption is nearing its end.

This is not another 4-year election.

No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

God wins.
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