LNP, News Corp & Murdoch Minions are posting pics like these below trying 2 deflect responsibility from Scott Morrison
This thread debunks all their filthy lies. If U see posts deflecting responsibility from Scott Morrison reply with this
These two articles are some of the early pieces of propaganda that Scott Morrison was putting out into the public to show he was tough on welfare and whistle to his base. You will notice the rhetoric with massive numbers, both debts processed and budget savings.
This is LNP’s 2016 election promises, clearly proud of their “welfare fraud and non-compliance” crackdown, saying how it is New and will be expanding powers to garnish money from the victims, it also says it will use “Data and Statistical Analysis” AKA Income Averaging
Scott Morrison and the LNP make the Robodebt (formally called OCI “Online Compliance Intervention”) part of the WPIT program that covered both the IT and all other changes required, such as legislation.
In the budget, Scott Morrison details the costs and savings measures from the Robodebt program. Then the detailed budget documents under the heading of “Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare Payments” the improving money recovery is detailed
The pictures below show the original Social Security Act and Data Matching Act. They were created in 1990/91. Data Matching has always been part of the non compliance system, that is just plain obvious.. It was not until 2015/16 that people were removed from the validation.
process and the system dialled up to 100. With auto garnishing, and still including the income averaging issue.
In 2015 the LNP weaponised an error riddled computer and let it loose on the most vulnerable people.
WARNINGS: The LNP knew it was unlawful because its heavily stacked Administrative Appeals Tribunal review these 76 cases and deemed the fortnightly income assumption could not lawfully support the existence of a debt, and not once did the LNP appeal
By 2017 their was major troubles. The Ombudsman was called in to do a review. Again stating the OCI (AKA Robodebt) started in 2016. It also states that the matching of data was done manually prior to Robodebt. These 2 pics are excerpts from the 2017 Ombudsmans report.
The detailed part of the Ombudsmans report clearly explains the processes & the evolution to the automated Robodebt monster. HERE IS THE UNBELIVABLE PART. Scott Morrison ran a trial phases, the trial phases produced income errors, but proceeded to fully roll it out anyway.
B/C the LNP will not allow a Royal Commission, even though this is the largest settlement ever by an our government, not to mention the lives destroyed. We are reliant on one 2018 estimates answer to give us a clue about Robodebt suicides
Here are two letters from grieving mothers who have both lost their sons to suicide not long after receiving Robodebt notices.
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