It’s #WorldAIDSDay today when we remember those we’ve lost, celebrate our successes & focus on what needs to be done.
To my non-HIV colleagues:
- Do more HIV tests! People who are diagnosed late (when their immune system has been damaged) have an 8x increased risk of dying /1
The updated national HIV testing guidelines 👇🏽. They include recommendations for routine opt-out testing in high prevalence areas as well as a list of indicator conditions for when to test.

Studies show people don’t mind being offered a HIV test.
And why test? HIV treatment is very effective and saves lives. It’s often just one tablet a day and injectable medicines are on the way. /3

(Slides from @DrEdWilkins)
And if people are on effective treatment, they cannot pass HIV on to their sexual partners. /4

Undetectable = Untransmittable

And to my colleagues in HIV medicine this #WorldAIDSDay, carry on being the inspirational, kind, clever advocates you are. I’m lucky to work with you! /5
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