1/ It's happening: I have an appointment to arrange top surgery. And I couldn't be more excited.

This is a tricky thing to talk about. For too long, transness has been medicalised and pathologised. For too long, cis people have had a voyeuristic fascination with trans bodies.
2/ For these reasons, I - & many trans people - avoid talking about surgery in public. We don't want to buy into those narratives. We want to keep our bodies private. We want to avoid conflating surgery & transness, because many trans ppl don't need or want medical intervention.
3/ However, for some trans people, the idea of surgery is a godsend. I'm one of those people. I'm overjoyed at the prospect. It's a huge moment in my transition that I want to mark & celebrate. But I also want to stress that there's no one way to be trans or have a trans body.
4/ There are as many ways to do 'trans' as there are trans people. And, cis people, please don't ask invasive questions about our bodies. Imagine how you'd feel if a stranger asked about your genitals. Besides, transness is about so much more than just bodies.
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