I have been thinking about how almost every woman i come across have a feminist undertone and how Instagram helps them to shape their ideologies.

A thread
not going into origins of feminism, but this is just me trying to understand why the women I see have strong feminist ideology. I see more radical takes, the one that completely vilifies men and I have been trying to understand what makes them have that ideology (2/n)
a small personal story here: my neighbours are sweet people. they are a tambrahm family, and the couple had 3 daughters recently. they live with the guy's mother. coming to the division of labour : the mom does most of the household work : cooking, cutting vegetables (3/n)
making food for the kids and also the religious practices at home. the girl works from home, mostly takes care of her kids. let me tell you, having one kid needs a village to raise. having 3 is just tooooo much on plate. mentally and physically exhausting. (4/n)
the guy goes to work everyday. he loves to eat and his mom cooks for him. he is a nice, innocent fellow but the amount of effort he takes for the family is very little. he hardly takes care of his kids alone, he's absent when his wife needs him the most. (5/n)
and since he's an only child for his mom, he's been pampered. he doesn't know how to cook, not even make a simple maggi tbh but he needs his food to taste perfect. this is a spoilt son and a lazy father. (6/n)
now, imagine having this man as a central male figure in the house. as a wife you get tired of him, because he is very distant and lethargic in taking care of his kids. he's not a hands on father and it's extremely difficult to raise 3 kids without equal partnership (7/n)
being this man's daughter, you'd grow old to listen to your mom who'd tell how your father always went to work and how your mother had to take care of you and also work on the side to support the family and cook and clean and all that. (8/n)
basically, the woman is a multitasking human where she manages everything and the man just does one thing - earn money. this is an imbalance right here and this is where the feminism ideology seeps in; marriage inherently makes the woman work more when the man gets away (9/n)
woman toil more: in the house, in her work and has to be an all rounded person while the man isn't. seeing families like these, and with the mainstream feminist ideologies, young girls get the impression that this is what their future would look like. (10/n)
young girls become radical feminists. men = bad. woman = queen. marriage inherently oppressive. slave labour.

don't get me wrong, I strongly believe in marriage, marriage and raising kids would give me spiritual contentment that no corporate can give me (11/n)
however, an equal participating husband is very important. I always believe that if something is going wrong on the outside, something inside needs to be fixed. if there are radical feminists, then there has to be something going gravely wrong in their house (12/n)
to all men out there; if you don't want women to be radical feminists, start by introspecting how you're planning on sharing responsibilities. being a strong patriarch actually makes woman less feminists. (13/n)
start doing household chores. wash clothes, take care of hygiene, keep yourself and the surroundings clean, learn to cook basic things. an independent man is inherently attractive. being a hands on father is very important; if you want many children, be ready to do the work(14/n)
im not saying all girls are great and even worth of men who'd do all of these. some girls are into toxic men and frankly, this post is not for them. but this is for you to attract high quality woman, who recognises the value of a good patriarch and who has traditional values +
+ if you want a big family, please do get trained in household chores. and if you're a woman, make sure you raise your boy to clean and cook just like how you'd ask your girl to. if not, the feminists are waiting to claim your girl and vilify your boy.

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