This is what they are putting on the ends of the swabs for covid testing. They are 666 chipping people.
The Swab is inserted into their limbic system which surrounds the pineal gland, hippocampus and pituitary gland. Your limbic system which supports your behaviors, emotions, cognition & memory.
Your pineal gland appears in the womb 48 days after conception. It starts under the babies tongue and gradually moves to the forehead temporal lobes region within the first year after birth.The pineal gland has a retina, lens and a cornea JUST like our EYES!
They are killing our mind/body/soul connection to God. The vaccines Luciferase(My God what universe am I in) re-write human DNA.
Hundreds of people in Portland Oregon where I live are lined up to get testing daily. Should I just scream that these co. are chipping them. My God, any idiot knows they cab swab a cheek or draw blood for a test. To any naysayers at this point...
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