A good thread, but American protesters do not have anything like the social safety net, labor rights, and health care that French protesters do.

US protesters who miss work, get injured, or get arrested can easily lose their jobs and could find themselves homeless very quickly. https://twitter.com/comradeflute/status/1333572789597470720
America’s ruling class understands this.

The most effective way to smother massive popular movements is to keep your citizens in a constant state of food, housing, and health precarity.

The goal is to make survival barely possible for those who don’t step out of line.
Americans tend to fetishize the street protesters of other countries.

From the Arab Spring to Euromaidan to the Hong Kong protests, we often look at their bravery and say “Why can’t we do that here?”

But most popular uprisings get crushed soon after the cameras stop rolling.
A successful popular movement requires far more than just mass street action.

Bolivia has a mature militant socialist movement that is decades old.

France’s communist and anarchist movements are also mature.

The riot footage we see? It’s just the very tip of the spear.
The American ruling class understands that it takes generations to build an effective popular movement.

Which is precisely why Dems and Repubs worked to dismantle the Black Panthers, assassinate or imprison its leaders, and erase all evidence of its existence from history books.
America’s ruling class ensures that revolutionary movements are erased completely.

Most Americans know nothing about the MASSIVE Black militant socialist movements of the 60’s.

Why do you think hip-hop is such a threat?

Why do you think conservatives demonize liberal colleges?
American children are systematically kept ignorant about the militant history of the labor movement.

We’re kept ignorant of the history of American anarchists.

We’re kept ignorant of the militant pan-African and Black liberation movements.

We’re fed the Disney version of MLK.
The erasure of American radical history is deliberate, it is systematic, it is carefully planned and it is ongoing.

The Powell Memo, written in 1971 by Lewis F. Powell (and kept secret until after Powell was named to the Supreme Court) explains the plan. https://reclaimdemocracy.org/powell_memo_lewis/
The Powell Memo is THE blueprint for the modern intellectual architecture of American public life.

The memo birthed the modern think tank — influential orgs like the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, and the Federalist Society (which grooms conservative judges).
Remember that American liberals and conservatives work TOGETHER to suppress and erase radical movements.

“Great Society” liberalism abhors any upset to the status quo.

Liberals are FAR better at destroying radical movements than conservatives are. Liberals embrace and co-opt. https://twitter.com/comradeflute/status/1333572807544823808
The labor movement is critical to the success of mass popular movements.

At the ‘99 Seattle WTO protests, the labor unions were the largest presence on the ground by FAR.

Even though unions weren’t the most militant, the WTO protests would’ve been very different without them.
It’s difficult to say which President did more damage to the American labor movement:

Ronald Reagan through his undermining of labor rights, or Bill Clinton through his relentless outsourcing of skilled American jobs overseas.

Reagan kneecapped labor and Clinton finished them.
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