Graduates from second and third rate political science and public admin PhD granting institutions are not creating placement backlogs and adjunctification in the job market. A short thread...

(1) TT lines are declining because upper admin views them as fixed costs....
(2) TT lines are declining because admin is under budgetary pressure from state legislatures, especially in Red states that think we're raging commies brainwashing innocent students.

(3) TT lines are declining because state legislatures are focused on STEM and STEM...
(4) Students from low ranked institutions are looking for 3x3 and 4x4 jobs in teaching comprehensives and small LACs that may not even advertise in Chronicle.

(5) Some want state and local government jobs. Some want a raise/promotion to senior management in these jobs....
(6) Students from low ranked institutions place because faculty know what they're aiming for. They get lots of teaching opportunities and faculty don't directly and indirectly diss non-academic jobs....
Summary: grads from low ranked programs have distinct market/s and the tenure track job market backlog has more to do with factors like dogmatic cost cutting, hare brained STEM schemes, as well as admin and consultant interest in turning undergrad into a spa and sports retreat.
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