Today we celebrate the 162nd Birthday of one of the world’s greatest scientists, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose. Inspired by the intuitive Vedantic understanding of life, Bose felt Indians could develop more sensitive approaches to their subject matter than Western scientists.
He invented the earliest version of wireless telecommunication with the “coherer,” a detecting device for radio waves. He demonstrated it in 1895, by sending out radio waves to a device that would make a bell ring, and, a device that set off gunpowder.
He developed the use of Galena crystals which anticipated the existence of P-type and N-type semi-conductors. He worked on the polarization of electric waves by double refraction. Bose also speculated on the existence of electromagnetic radiation from the sun.
One of his greatest discoveries was proving to the world that plants are living beings by inventing the crescograph – an instrument that measures movement and growth in plant life by magnifying it 10,000 times.
Throughout his career, Bose was inspired by his Indian roots and had an integrated Vedantic viewpoint of finding patterns that showed the underlying unity of the universe. He felt Western approaches were aggressive and crudely materialistic
He thought especially that the Western tendency to subdivide scientific fields precluded them from seeing the underlying unity. He blamed the excessive specialization of western scientists for his struggles to spread his insights on the unity of life.
Bose thus worked tirelessly to establish an institution in India where such integrated researches based on Vedantic concepts of unity would be possible. As he noted in a 1915 speech:
“There will soon rise a Temple of Learning where the teacher cut off from worldly distractions would go on with his ceaseless pursuit after truth, and dying, hand on his work to his disciples. Nothing would seem laborious in his inquiry; never is he to lose sight of his quest
Never is he to let it go obscured by any terrestrial temptation. For he is the Sanyasin spirit, and India is the only country where so far from there being a conflict between science and religion, knowledge is regarded as religion itself.”
In 1917 he established The ‘Temple of Learning’ or the Bose Institute in Kolkata to fuse Vedantic ideals & modern scientific methodology. Bose's incredible work epitomizes how ancient Hindu approaches to science can inspire us to uncover the secrets of the Universe today.
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