I am very disappointed by the boards that have chosen to make all bus/snow days remote learning days. This year has proven over and over that it is not about the mental health and well being of students. This decision proves, yet again, that boards are tone deaf to the
inequities decisions like this cause. In person students do not necessarily have the tech required to go remote with just a few hours notice. Snow days are cherished by Ss. They need this time more than ever. We're already tasked with teaching them during a pandemic and these
kids are not all managing. They have the stress of missing their friends, worrying about becoming sick, parents losing their jobs. While we try to keep these burdens off the backs of our children, the reality is that they feel the anxiety all around them.
Honestly, I feel this decision has been made mostly to stick it to teachers and our children are the casualties. The work I provide will be about my Ss mental health. They're kids, they need a break sometimes.
So today, not a snow day, 11/20 came to school. 3 showed up online. 6 no shows. Hope they had fun in the snow today. They won't be that far behind.
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