1/17. In my latest writing " #Bitcoin and Hope," I explore how Bitcoin is restoring hope for the world by empowering the value systems of entrepreneurs who “lead us from the front” by devitalizing bureaucrats that “lead us from the back.” https://www.swanbitcoin.com/bitcoin-is-hope/
2/17. Money is intended to be a safe haven for economic value—not a constant cause of stress, worry, and entrapment, as it is in the world today. A fundamentally dishonest money, fiat currency ruins our relationships with the intrinsic entropy of nature and our fellow humans.
3/17. Entropy is uncertainty, randomness, and disorder; it naturally pours forth from reality, and destroys the works of man over time (just ask any homeowner).
4/17. Fortifying ourselves from the omnipresent chaos of nature within handcrafted systems of socioeconomic order, we distinguish ourselves as human by building civilizations.
5/17. But civilization requires a balance between order and chaos. Absent the rough waters of life, our true competencies could never emerge, nor our civilizations thrive. As the ancient African proverb says: "Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."
6/17. In modernity, the dominant institution in the world is central banking; its (ostensible) purpose is to “smooth the seas” of markets by imposing price stability and low unemployment.
7/17. Cutting entrepreneurs off from the vital flows of information engendered by well-measured exposures to entropy causes price distortion, interruption of innovation, and suppression of skillfulness.
8/17. Nature is terrifying and volatile, but it is also the unexplored territory where we hunt to enrich humanity’s treasury of knowledge.
9/17. Values are the behavioral maps we use to chart our actions across spacetime. When faced with ambivalent courses of action, we take the path perceived to be most progressive toward our values.
10/17. Actors choose a single course of action at the necessary exclusion of all others: a rule of reality beyond exception, even for the (allegedly omnipotent) central banks of the world. Action is the sacrifice of life to our higher values, in the hope that our aims hold true.
11/17. Entrepreneurs seek knowledge by putting their skin in the game and adventuring into the unexplored territories of nature in search of better, cheaper, and faster ways of satisfying wants for society.
12/17. Enduring the pain of failure, adapting to the unknown, and living to tell (and sell) the tale is the way of the entrepreneur.
13/17. Antithetical to the entrepreneurial ethic is the central bank, which “chases two rabbits” of growth and stability, with deleterious results in the long-run.
14/17. Growth is purely a market process, and it cannot be induced by decree (just try yelling at your garden to “grow faster”).
15/17. By attempting to override Darwinian reality, central banking stifles entrepreneurial adaptivity—the most important aspect of survival for any species.
16/17. Entrepreneurship is problematic to problems, and therefore our greatest hope. To this end, Bitcoin is money purpose-built for entrepreneurial accountability, adventurousness, and (mental and financial) enrichment.
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