This year, we should do a WORST CLASSIC BOOKS EVER list and why they should not be taught in K-12 schools anymore because they legit cause kids to hate reading.
Number one on the list:

MOBY DICK - it literally kills brain cells
Call me Dead because this book killed me and I am now back from the dead haunting your English teacher ass for making me read this godawful pretentious loathsome time suck of a book and i hate you forever...

Catcher in the Rye - AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and stop
OKay I got distracted by all of you tweeting me these awful classic books I'd blocked!! But my NUMBER 3 is

The Adventures of Huck Finn - Can we stop with the racist books already?
NUMBER 4 worst classics that shouldn't be taught in K-12

The Canterbury Tales - WHY?? WHYYYYYYY?

Scarlet Letter - Listen, anyone who tells me this is good writing has not read it in a million years. the writing legit sucks. sue me
Keep in mind, this is my list of worst books and yours may be different. And so my
NUMBER 6 is:

AS I LAY DYING faulkner - so boring so so so boring
Coming in at Number 7 is

Anything by Hemingway - Because misogyny
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