Changing careers midway through life is hard for most Americans. Racking up student debt to get a $47,000 job out of college isn't exactly appealing. But @SVAhq offers an alternative by representing the modern vocational school. A thread 👇
~40% of college grads are expected to work in sales at some point early in their career. The average starting salary for a college grad in '19 was $47K (after the avg $33K student of course). What if there was an option 8x cheaper than a 4yr degree?
Founder @rahimthedream has made that possible. W/ an intensive 12week course taking someone from 0 sales knowledge to a market-ready sales baseline, 100 SV Academy Fellows monthly directly land SDR roles at top SF tech companies w/ a median salary of $79K.
The best part? Trainees pay nothing besides time, as future employers front the $10K tuition check and SV fellows payback over time w/ an income-sharing agreement (ISA).
Employers notoriously struggle in on-ramping and retaining sales hires. Turnover rates for companies are 16% & entry-level sales hires are usually inexperienced. By providing tech companies like @PaloAltoNtwks, @SurveyMonkey, & @joinHandshake w/ vetted talent, everyone wins. 🤝
After announcing a partnership w/ @salesforce and @coursera in September, SV Academy looks well on its way in disrupting the future of education and going direct-to-talent, eliminating college as the middleman. SV Academy IS the modern vocational school.
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