I really believe the future of social is in small, intimate and intentional digital spaces. More and more of my friends are no longer interested in speaking to thousands of strangers. I'm more invested in small online gatherings from people I want to learn and build with.
we're witnessing the growth of curated internet gardens. @somewhere__good @AREdotNA and @joinClubhouse are some of the folks creating in these areas.
I hope that as "community" continually grows as a buzzword in the digital world, that we're intentionally considering what it means to design for community outside of a romanticized lens.
Community takes WORK. It takes interdependence, communication, communal care - it means looking into the ways that power dynamics denote who is and who is not worthy of care, love, platform, etc.
The solution to designing for community cannot be entirely based on a feature set. There is more intentionality needed here, deeper digging. A commitment to re-thinking how power, care, and connection play out on our online platforms.
You can follow @annikaizora.
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