How similar are you to these stereotypical ed drinks — a thread

(Quote rt with your answers!)
Diet Coke

10% fear of failure
10% neurodivergent
10% social anxiety
10% procrastinator
10% horrible sleep schedule
10% constantly questions if they have an ed
10% horrible skin
10% horrible at math
10% caffeine addiction
10% former gifted kid
Coke Zero

10% funny as hell
10% dishonest
10% lazy
10% horrible mental health
10% bad grades
10% constantly paranoid
10% video games
10% savoury foods over sweet ones
10% no money
10% always willing to start a fight
Black coffee

10% intimidating
10% extremely competitive
10% secret bleeding heart
10% had an emo phase
10% lgbtqia+
10% blunt and honest
10% permanent eye bags
10% cried in the past week
10% misunderstood
10% only a few close friends
Green tea

10% unexpected waves of sadness
10% love to write
10% hopeless romantic
10% strange music taste
10% constant déjà vu
10% no volume control
10% anxiety
10% parental issues
10% always tired
10% constant headaches

10% in a relationship
10% has plans for the future
10% neurotypical
10% very organized
10% gullible
10% trustworthy
10% friendly
10% a lot of friends
10% has attempted recovery before
10% always cold
White monster

10% fun
10% would cry over a stubbed toe
10% bad liar
10% best skincare routine
10% laughs at meanspo
10% messy hair
10% a lot of online friends
10% reliable
10% depression
10% the person that sends a reaction gif instead of text
That’s the end of this thread! Vote on my next one!
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