Autism mythbusters - let's get rid of some of those incorrect stereotypes.

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#autistic #ActuallyAutistic #autism
1. Autism is not caused by vaccines. It's a genetic thing: you're born autistic.

2. Autistic people can have friends. In fact we often do. Perhaps a smaller number? Maybe, but not necessarily.

3. Autism is not itself a learning disability. It can occur alongside learning disabilities though.

4. Autism is not a disease or a mental illness. It cannot be cured. You cannot 'develop' it or 'catch' it.

5. The vast majority of autistic people prefer to be called 'autistic people' rather than 'people with autism'. I promise.

6. Autism has existed forever, and actually it seems several famous people were probably autistic, such as Isaac Newton.

7. Autistic people can hold down jobs and can be very successful in their careers. This doesn't mean they're not autistic.

8. Autism does not disappear after childhood - autism is for life. People may get better at masking it, though.

9. Autistic people aren't all the same. We have very different traits and presentations. However there are some key similarities.

10. Girls and women can be autistic. It is not a male-only condition and its likely that the split might even be 50-50...

11. Autistic POC are often overlooked or even plain ignored, with a significant issue around representation even within the autistic community itself.

12. Non-speaking autistic people can often communicate in writing very well, and have plenty going on even if they don't or can't speak about it.

13. The autistic and LGBTQ+ communities have a significant overlap. Always check pronouns.

14. Autistic people can have excellent senses of humour. But they don't have to have.

15. Autistic people can understand metaphor, a lot of the time. It's not as straightforward as just 'taking everything literally'.

16. Autistic people often have extreme sensitivity to smells, light, sound, touch, taste. This is often overlooked.

17. Autistic people don't *have* to like trains. Seriously.

18. Autistic people aren't all magically good at maths.

19. Autistic people aren't necessarily weirdly skilled in a particular area, nor are we savants.

20. Autistic people have emotions and we can feel empathy. In fact we often feel an excess of it.

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