The announcement of the incoming White House Communications team is a significant event for a country that has been abused for four years by constant gaslighting and lies from the White House. @jrpsaki will return integrity to the Office of the Press Secretary the instant she 1/
steps behind the briefing room podium. @KBeds will lead a White House Communications team that is grounded by reality, facts and truth. Thank God. This country has been plagued by pathological liars like @KellyannePolls @seanspicer @SarahHuckabee @PressSec @JHoganGidley 2/
Appearing from the familiar grounds of the White House, ensconced in the trappings of the American Presidency for four long years. They have abetted the greatest, most prolific and lethal liar in American history. With each lie they poisoned faith and belief in every institution
that matters in a Republic. They lied like Baghdad Bob once did; spectacular, delusional, disproveable lying. They did their best to obliterate reality and the concept of truth for the purposes of poisoning the public good for political power and advantage. They put obedience 4/
to Trump ahead of their oaths to the Constitution and duty to the American people. Truth is the keystone of a democratic society. The lie is the cause of its’ ruin. Always. The appointment of these women of integrity is important to mark. They represent a restoration of 5/
honesty, decency, dignity, sanity and the Truth to a place where they must never again be extinguished from. What a great relief it will be to not be lied to for a change. #
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