Farm Bill politics Thread:

Indian Food grain Production for the year 19-20: Top 5 states

🚜 Haryana : 17.8 Lakh Tons
🚜 Rajasthan : 23.2 Lakh Tons
🚜 Punjab : 29.9 Lakh Tons
🚜 Madhya Pradesh : 33 Lakh Tons
🚜 Uttar Pradesh : 55 Lakh Tons

Protests only in Punjab
Gross Value Added: Agri & Allied Industries (GVA is Selling - Production Cost)

₹ in Lakh Crores

🚜 Punjab: 0.9

States with less output but more profits than Punjab.

🚜 Maha : 1.9
🚜 AP: 1.8
🚜 WB: 1.4
🚜 TN : 1.2

Who is eating all the profits in Punjab?
Reasons for Farmer Protests only in Punjab:

⚡️ Middlemen left out - Huge revenue loss
⚡️ 1800 Mandi tax per year is gone
⚡️ Akali dal split in two; they want to use this to counter the insurgency
⚡️ Khalistan separatists looking for a launch pad
⚡️ State ruled by congress
MSP of Paddy per Quintal
2009-10: ₹950
2013-14: ₹1310
2020-21: ₹1868
Increase in ₹360 during UPA2 Vs ₹568 in NDA

MSP of Wheat per Quintal
2009-10: ₹1080
2013-14: ₹1350
2020-21: ₹1925
Increase in ₹270 during UPA2 Vs ₹575 in NDA
Middle Men from Punjab; Instead of instigating these protests🔥, why don’t you simply enter into a formal agreement with the farmer as per the new farm law & buy the farm product in MSP.

MSP is minimum support price and not Middlemen support price. #ISupportFarmerBill
Past: Kejriwal Blames Punjab’s Stable Burning for Delhi’s Pollution.

Present: Kejriwal lays red carpet & welcomes them to protest

Future: Kejriwal will blame Amit Shah & Modi after Delhi Burns during the protest and will make this his election campaign for Punjab.
Farmer leader Ayyakannu in Tamilnadu speaking on live television asking to abolish middle man. He says middlemen pays us ₹30 but sells the goods at ₹100.
This time it is the arhtiyas (middlemen) in Punjab. They walked away with Rs 783-crore (or Rs 7,830 million) in 2009-10 for virtually doing nothing
Congress has no moral high ground to speak of/ far farmers. They brought a Farm bill amendment in 2006 during UPA 1 allowing sale of uncultivable & low yield farm lands to real estate & industries. This is how they helped farmers in India.
The loan burden
The middlemen crisis
Yogendra Yadav: The middle men for middle men
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