I have some questions:
1) If you found out you were gonna pass away tomorrow, what would you have for your final meal?
2) Are you introverted or extroverted?
3) Are you happy rn?
4) If this pandemic wasn’t getting in the way of your life, what would you be doing rn?
5) Who do you look up to?
6) Your thoughts on marriage?
7) Name 3 things you consider beautiful?
8) What was the worst thing someone has ever said to you?
9) What was the best thing someone has ever said to you?
10) What have you or still take for granted?
11) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
12) What would you say to everyone who wronged you?
13) Would you be able to live on a planet where sex doesn’t exist?
14) What advice would you give your 15 year old self?
15) What can you not live without?
16) Do you believe in heaven and hell?
17) Do you believe in true love?
18) What is your favorite physical feature on your body?
19) How would others describe you?
20) What is one thing you feel like you won’t achieve in this lifetime?
21) What are your three ideal traits in a lover?
22) What are your three ideal traits in a friend?
You can follow @IndicaMindica.
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