1/7 PA’s Election Anomalies:

The Dept of State publishes Voter Registration info here: https://www.dos.pa.gov/VotingElections/OtherServicesEvents/VotingElectionStatistics/Documents/currentvotestats.xlsx

This is the file from 11/2/20:
2/7 There’s an important tab near the end; that shows the Active vs. Inactive voters (missed 2 Federal elections; didn’t reply to address check:
3/7 R’s are more Active than D Voters. We can calculate their participation ratios by County. We can also compare to the 11/3 PA results by County:
4/7 We can see that in most Counties, a significant # of Independents voted for Trump, because Trump received more votes than Active R’s (Green %).

R’s historically vote R in very high %, around 95%.
5/7 And we can see that R’s have higher % of Active Voters in nearly every PA County.
6/7 Yet, in 2020, in several key PA Counties, both R’s and Independent’s broke the pattern shown by every other PA County, and voted for Biden?
7/7 It would be remarkable Campaigning by Biden to have so many R’s & Independents in those 7-8 counties break ranks from the R party, and buck observed Independent voting patterns both across the state and in neighboring counties.

I wonder - are those Counties ‘fake’ Blue?
Tomorrow I’ll add the electronic voting software in use in the key PA Counties with atypical Republican support for Trump (I.e. Dominion, ES&S, etc).

Makes you wonder:
1) why Gov Wolf mandated all new voting machines for the 2020 Election.
2) who made County purchase decisions
8/7 Added in Vote-by-Mail (VBM) requests and results by In-Person & VBM. This helps to zero in on where mischief is likely or obviously happening. PA residents can ask their County party leaders for feedback and their County officials for answers.

All sources still up.
The software vendors are added. Had to hide columns to help see big picture.

Vendors are mostly ES&S & Dominion. Will work on different view and graphs tomorrow.
1/8 PA Mail-In totals show fraud:

Full spreadsheet of all counties with Requested & Returned Ballots, AND, Vote totals by in person vs mail-in.

The purple columns are % of in-person votes for each candidate. No surprise that Trump crushed those %.
2 / 8 Curiously, Republican % of returned ballots is consistently less than D’s.
3 / 8 Total of 150K discrepancy in ballots Mailed out, vs Total Ballots counted. Some counties with crazy high excess ballots, and some missing thousands of ballots.
4 / 8 Still 100K ballots in Provisional status...
5 / 8 Montgomery County: #’s are impossible. 25% of R’s, and 100% of Independents voted Biden? Major fraud in Montgomery County is evident with PA Dept of State data.
6 / 8 Delaware County: R’s return 36K ballots (77% of theirs) yet 33% of R’s, and 100% of Independents voted for Biden? Note: S0R0Ss funded the DE County Commissioner races (all D’s).
7 / 8 Chester County: vying for the fraud title in PA... mailed out 111K ballots, but counted 150K ballots. Seriously?? WTF?
8 / 8 Lancaster County: R’s return 31K ballots (77% of R requests). Yet 20% of R’s and 100% of Independents voted for Biden. Again, this is IMPOSSIBLE!

Meanwhile: Gov Wolf / AG Shapiro rushed to certify PA’s results 3 weeks earlier than 2016.

Dereliction or accomplices?
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