Our governor, our Legislature, our major university, big businesses, unions, those who teach our kids - all seem to disagree with us, the people. Over time, what do we do? We cave or we fight? I suggest we fight. If we choose that course, how? How can we close the gap between us
and those who act on our behalf, who make the decisions that govern how we live? Perhaps, I am not being sufficiently trusting. Perhaps, all within our "elite" class will see the Prop 16 vote and obey the will of the people. Unfortunately, history does not vindicate that forecast
So, if we conclude that we are engaged in running a marathon, not a sprint, we need to gear up to WIN!
The issue of equality is about a fundamental ideal. Unfortunately, ideals often suffer because they have no constituency to champion and sustain them. With the resounding defeat of Prop 16, equality may have just found its constituency; and they represent a broad coalition of
Individuals across the various segments of CA. Apart from the belief that we are all created equal, and that our government should not seek to disrupt what our Creator has ordained, the equality constituency is extraordinarily diverse. We were repulsed by the obscene amount of
funds donated to essentially promote government discrimination based on race, color and national ancestry, contrary to our ideals. We found it insulting that at a time when we were preoccupied with massive business closures and public health considerations, we the people were
presented with an issue such as Prop 16. We have voted it down, but many of us believe that should not be the end of the story. Accordingly we are announcing our exploration of an “Equal Rights Political Action Committee.” In addition, other initiatives are being explored by
many individuals who formed the No on Prop 16 coalition. Anyone interested in participating in this process should contact me at [email protected], Ava Armstrong or Simone Purser Petersen.
You can follow @tobeequal.
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