Found the sweetest boy helping an ill bird by the side of Clapham Common.

Poor birdy is not well at all but have brought him home and am giving fluids and warmth
Poor crow didn't make it. Sadly by the time they're showing symptoms like that, it's usually too late.

But what an amazing little boy, and a lovely lady ran into her flat to give me a teatowel to take him home in. Cuddled him in my coat and got a taxi down the road to my flat
Got him home and warmed up a pillow for him, he wouldn't take any food but had some sips of water. He passed with me talking to him, and that's better than the side of the road.
Now I have to text the little boy's mum and tell her he didn't make it 😔

I genuinely think the kid deserves recognition, he'd gone and got food and water and sat with the crow for ages before I got there. Is there somewhere I could submit him for a certificate or something?
Also, just so you know, I kept birdy completely separate from my other animals (though the cats were v interested when I came in the front door with a bird in my coat!) and I've disinfected everything thoroughly. Will do it a few more times just in case.
Little boy's name was Mohammad, that's all I know. Have asked his mum which school he goes to so I can hopefully get him some recognition 😊
Got the name of his school! Will write to them 😊
If I can get through the rest of this week without any more birds dying...!
The little boy rang me ❀ he's been crying but we talked about how much better he made the bird's last hours, and I think he felt better after that.

I asked him if he wants to be a vet when he grows up, he said "Maybe, I haven't decided anything yet!" 😂
Wish I had a photo of how I looked to my neighbour, arriving home with a crow's head poking out of the top of my coat, talking to him quietly like an absolute bonkeroon.
"Hey, you OK?"
"Yep just got a crow in here..."

It's fun living near me
I don't know who wrote this but I call it 'Starfish Theory' and it is very much how I try to live :)
I was going to get a starfish tattoo to remind me but I drew it on my hand as a trial run and absolutely hated it, so that idea's out 😆
Finally got round to emailing the little boy's school, I hope he gets some recognition
The school emailed back!!!!
I also forgot to say that a very kind cab driver let me jump in and go a really short distance because I was worried about how little time the bird had left. Not many cabbies would have let me in with a wild bird but he did and got us home much quicker than walking
(The fare was ÂŁ5 and I gave him ÂŁ20, so hopefully it was worth it to him!)
Lots of people saying this made them cry, I hope in a good way. I wish it was better news about the crow (I named him Monty) but like someone said, hopefully it will inspire more acts of kindness. Every starfish back in the sea makes a difference x
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