Drakon created the Draco Reptilians
Very much human like they can shapeshift from reptile to human form
The Drakon are huge 14ft -18ft tall
Let's move on as there are various types of reptilian
The Drakon are expert scientists also
But feed on humans
The Royal Draco 👇🏼
These again are huge beings
14ft - 18ft tall weighing in at 1800 pounds
@CoreyGoode has a great story about meeting one
He said he never wanted to again
If you want to find one look under the Vatican bunker about 10 miles deep 👇🏼
These are the Royal Elite
Female Draco
Females are mainly left down below in the caves to nurse their young
They have eggs to care for
Females are apparently extremely intelligent

Vril 👇🏼
Very small Reptilian
They use Probocys to take over a humans consciousness
You know the "black eye club"
They enter through the retina and slowly over a few weeks learn the victims characteristics then fully consume into the body
Enough with reptilians
Let's move into the Tall Gray's 👇🏼
Extremely intelligent
They do not speak but communicate telepathically
They need our "loosh"
They harvest us like a farm
Fear nothing - Trust me
The Master Gray's use
Small Gray's to to their dirty work
The Tall Gray's are the Masters
They are around 15 feet in height
All Gray's around 3ft-5ft
Most abductions are by this race of Aliens
They are not friendly to humans 😉
One of my most favourites memes
Share away Truth Fam 👽
Let's continue...
If you are new to what I am showing you
Have a watch of this episode on Tiamat and Maldek. I also delve into some ET races in this episode
Fantastic story of what I believe our moon is

Ok today let's dig deep into the Huge Cave systems that exist on our planet
Oh wait flat Earth 😂
Which is it??
I'm still undecided 🥺
Let's continue 👇🏼
Mammoth Cave
Brownsville, Kentucky, USA
405 miles long
If you believe this is the largest in the world
I think you are mistaken
We haven't even looked at the geothermal cave systems under Antarctica yet 🌊
Legend has it this is an entrance to Agartha

Do your homework
I've given you the links 👇🏼
Time to grab your shovel and do some digging of your own
Researching for yourself is also key
I can't tell you the truth
I can show you the path but this is something everybody must find for themselves

Sistema Sac Actun
Tulum, Mexico
The Mayans are rumoured to have retreated underground into these cave systems thousands of years ago
Did they find a Stargate 💫
Why did the Mayans disappear so quickly?
Rumour has it they bailed Earth and settled on Mars

My favourite Continent 👇🏼
Antarctica "The Hidden World"
There are abdundent networks of geothermal cave systems that lay under the Ice
I believe the Germans located these back in the late 1930's
They told their "Fuhrer" we have found a "Shangri-La"

This revelation of the Germans having a secret base led the Americans to send Operation Highjump 1946 with Admiral Byrd to the most southern Continent
It did not end well
They returned home with half their fleet missing as what they found there was not of this world 👇🏼
My THREAD on Operation Highjump and Antarctica 👇🏼 https://twitter.com/5DAlchemist/status/1269289090014461952?s=19
Geo-Thermal Caves are very real under Antarctica
Ground penetrating radar proves this
British scientists have found a tunnel 821ft high
Higher than the Eiffel tower 👇🏼
Entrances 👇🏼
The problem for the Dark organisations that "rule" us, is that the ice is beginning to melt
They know this
This is uncovering spacecrafts from the Pre-Adamites and other Interstellar races
If you watch my episode on Tiamat and Maldek 👆🏼You will understand 🙏🏼
Antarctica has the oldest mountains on Earth
Mount Eurobo is the oldest mountain on record
Again an open mind is key to finding the truth
I want you to think of Atlantis now
Yes let's roll back 12600 years before our history allows us too
@Graham__Hancock knows
The Atlantean Empire stretched the globe
It was not just one place
Want more info?
Read "The Republic" by Plato
There was an explosion beneath Atlantis
Dark sects of the Civilisation were trying to destroy the sphere of Amenti
This plan backfired 💥💥
They were using the Crystal Generators below Atlantis to direct power to the sphere of Amenti
This did not work as there was a protective seal/Shield
The energy was sent back to the Crystal generators causing a huge cataclysmic explosion causing vast floods and a pole shift
I believe during this pole shift
The Earth flipped and Atlantis ended up on the south pole
Apparently a vast quick freeze took place
Essentially burying all of Atlantis under the Ice sheet we now see
Ancient Blue ice frozen waves 🌊👇🏼

Earth having a pole shift conflicts with the flat earth theory
Remember I'm inbetween these theories
How can a flat Earth manufacture a pole shift
There is plenty of ice core samples that back this pole shift theory up
Planet or Flat Earth??
That is thy question 🥺
21 December 2020
Is coming up quickly
I've heard something may take place
Also the Earth's Magnetic Field is extremely weak at the moment
Heard of the C.E.R.N.S icecube project?
The Icecube Project
Antarctica 👇🏼 https://twitter.com/5DAlchemist/status/1278321409413046273?s=19
I believe C.E.R.N. was/is trying to alter timelines and or create or tamper with a prospective pole shift that they were trying to instigate
Not sure what is happening right now in the current state of play

Whatever C.E.R.N. and NASA were up to it was not beneficial to humanity
It will be beneficial to the cabal and the military industrial complex which is vast and they also operate off planet.. oh I mean off flat Earth
Again I'm undecided
I'm trying to make people think!!
Ok enough with C.E.R.N. and NASA
Let's dive back into Antarctica again 🌊
Geo-Thermal Caverns
Some bigger than Manhattan island 👇🏼
If you think it's just penguins and seals that live here
Again you are mistaken
The Germans back in the 1930's and 40's found Atlantis
They found the warm caverns
They called it "Shangri-La"

Antarctica has around 91 Volcanoes
The largest being 2.4 miles in height
This only pokes it's rim from the 3-4km thick icesheet 👇🏼
Problem is Antarctica is melting
Our "Rulers" know this
Notice the world changing pretty fast in 2020?
There is an agenda they are bringing in
It's called 2030 👆🏼
They know once the ice melts people will be asking questions

This Man knows the Truth of what the Americans found back in 1946
He was given the medal of honour and told to shut up
Admiral Richard E Byrd 👇🏼
Watch my episode and learn 🙏🏼

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