I've answered your question explictly so many times mate, even once today already

Today we have "Self ID" on spaces without issue. Trans people are not waving their genitals around in changing rooms. Any attempt to police who is a woman will put all women and girls in...
danger, including the cis ones, and will put Patriarchal pressure on them to adhere to stereotypes to avoid harassment. This is what we have seen everywhere that has ever tried it. Women always lose, and most of those are cis women. Sources here: https://katymontgomerie.medium.com/no-you-cant-always-tell-a5967cc55761 And...
here: https://katymontgomerie.medium.com/addressing-concerns-over-gra-reform-f6cea58f62fe

Because there is no issue with what we have today, and because your "solution" puts women in danger, it is not a good one. Furthermore an issue we actually do have with perverts, pedos and predators, of which over 99% are cis people, is not...
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