Does anyone know where these "fantastic cycle routes through West Bridgford" which the Rushcliffe Conservatives are referring too in there latest "In Touch" newsletter actually are?
Perhaps they are thinking of the unlit (except at tram stops & north of Wilford Lane) tram side path? The one they (via Rushcliffe BC as landowners) inflicted with barriers (just as the City Council were starting works to improve the Clifton end of the same route).
Okay, so not those. Perhaps they mean cycle routes to the Beckett School - which have even more discriminatory barriers on them, along the overgrown path
Perhaps this on Mabel Grove. Nope the bike symbol is before the lane even starts, and then the lane starts with "END".
OK, so not them then. Maybe the (substandard) cycle lanes along Melton Road. The one that fails to reach the shops at the northern end and permits parking in it just 29 meters after it starts...
... the same one which turns into parking bays as it passes Rushcliffe School & Grosvenor House Day Nursery and gives up just before it reach Edwalton ...
... and the new build southern (shared path) stretch spits you out onto the newly widened road just as the two car lanes merge into one. So not Melton Road
Perhaps it's the Greenway between Rushcliffe Arena and Compton Acres which, as part of the Cycle Strategy, was widened, lit, & saw new wider bridge added in Feb/Mar 17. Alas that still isn't legal to cycle on [Although a consultation did start just before Lockdown], so not that.
So may be the pothole infested NCN Route 15 along the river that's often overgrown and which is so narrow the amount of verge which has been worn away by people using it is wider than the path. Nah, that doesn't sound fantastic
Perhaps the route from Compton Acres. On the face of it, the wiggly nature makes it easier to ride than Walcote Drive heading south (as it smooths out the steep hill), quiet streets, and segregated paths are all the right components...
... alas it's very much a product of it's time, often overgrown, narrow (not enough room for cyclists to pass one another without using the footway), and doesn't appear to have been maintained in decades, overgrown and extremely bumpy so fails on the "fantastic" criteria
Perhaps the one past Rushcliffe Arena (Council Offices & Leisure Centre). Not too bad, but the "Cyclists Dismount" at the entrance to the Arena disqualifies it.
The route through Gamston is disqualified as the council recognised back in 2016 that it was inadequate and planned to widen it (which would have been very useful this year), but those plans appear to have been dropped after May 2017...
So what of the one route they mention? Well, that one which illustrates my point better than any of the above. We have so many "fantastic routes" which the current council have invested in there only example runs from Not West Bridgford to Not West Bridgford!
It's also unlit, unsurfaced, usually full of standing water doesn't link to the cycle "facilities" at either the A52 or Stragglethrope Rd and is also rather narrow meaning little space for people to get past one another on nice days, esp in these Covid times.
Don't get me wrong the newer suburbs aren't totally awful, but they are a long way from "fantastic" while the older part of town has a few "Think Bike" and direction signs. Some of the details on the Compton Acres footpaths are also questionable!
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