Disebabkan ramai tengah ODL and WFH now so i nak ajar macam mana nak dapatkan camera yang cantik and tak blur dekat your PC or Mac.

Step 1: Install Iriun Webcam for PC and Mac in your smartphone from App Store or Play Store.
Step 2: Install Iriun Webcam into your PC / laptop / Mac from https://iriun.com/ 
Step 3: Connect your phone USB cable to PC or laptop then open Iriun Webcam using your smartphone. So you just waiting for connection and yaaa, make sure that you use same wifi.
Step 4: If you're using Google Meet, go to settings then click video change the video source to Iriun Webcam. Simple 🤩
Step 5: If you are using Microsoft Teams in your PC or whatever, open settings -> devices -> camera then change to Iriun Webcam.
Step 6: Open Iriun Webcam application in your PC or laptop. A window will pop-up and waiting for the smartphone connection. After that, automatically the smartphone camera will be connected to the Iriun Webcam in PC or laptop.

Thank you 🌸
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