This year's virus snowflakes are almost ready, which means it's time for a game of 'name that virus' 🧵 First up, a very easy one:
Well done @SciVirusGuy and @aomholmes! It is SARS-CoV-2 (based on a previous model of avian infectious bronchitis virus, which in late 2019 was the obvious CoV to draw). Next...
Our next snowflake is a slightly harder one - indeed, in terms of getting an image of the virion to work from it was probably the hardest one of the lot because these things are a complete pain to purify. Guesses?
Well done to @sukumar_swathi, it was hepatitis C virus, shown here on the way to becoming an apolipoparticle. Next up...
... now worrying that 'apolipoparticle' is not a thing. #HepCTwitter, what are they called? Anyway, while we're on that flavour of thing:
Hmm, no guesses on this one yet. Time for some clues: (i) there is a reason why it looks a bit like HCV; (ii) most people first heard of it around 5 years ago and (iii) this one is partially matured
Possibly an excessively hard one, given that the herringbone structure of the capsid. It's Zika virus, caught midway through maturing. Next...
The next snowflake is a really big one. So big in fact there is another virus hidden in there as well. Any guesses?
Congratulations to @Lakdawala_Lab for thinking big and spotting the Mimivirus, and @Cornymel for thinking small and spotting the Sputnik virophage! Next...
Next up, undoubtably my least favourite virus to try and learn about as an undergraduate. PICK A LANE. Guesses?
Well done @rhinovir for spotting hepatitis B virus, whose inordinately complicated genome I have fudged a bit here for reasons of symmetry. Next...
Next we have an altogether better virus and yes I am obviously biased
Congrats to @MagicAli13 and @poisondartfrog7, it was influenza A virus. Next...
Let's wheel on the next one. Guesses?
@MagicAli13 scores again with rotavirus! Next...
... this one is similar, but count carefully and you can spot the difference
A clue would probably have helped, otherwise you could ruminate on this one until you're blue in the face
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