The guy who made Snowtown is making a film about Martin Bryant and the lead up to the Port Arthur Massacre. It's not even being filmed in Tassie because we'll be too sensitive.
This sounds like a fucking horrible film and he shouldn't be telling a story that Tasmanians shld tell
But also, Martin Bryant got a bunch of fucking fan mail after he did it because his picture was posted all over the world. I really don't think we should be giving him airtime. Also it's to talk about what makes a mass killer. Like get fucked. Don't need a big movie to study that
They're not filming it in tassie, they're filming in Geelong. So there won't even be any tassie talent used for small roles and extras. And they won't be using tassie cafes etc for catering
Two last things.
And the lead role is played by an American acror. Even the best American actors when they do Australian accents at their best they sound like Pauline fkn Hansen. North qld or something. The tassie accent isn't like that at all and if he does a bad accent it'll --
It'll be a fkn joke. Can you imagine if the actors who played Australians on the good place had to play this role with that bad accent? Also The fact that it's not filmed in Tassie feels like an exploitation of a tassie story.
We all remember Elisabeth Moss's godawful accent on Top of the Lake. And she's a brilliant actor.
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