Regardless of poltical view, you should be uhapppy at the Biden administration for nominating Neera Tanden to the Office of Management and Budget. She has a track record that is simply shameful.

Here's a thread:
Neera Tanden created the "Center for American Progress" which is a pro centrist group well known to stifle progressive voices. The group even proposed it's own healthcare plan, making sure to reserve a role for private insurance companies.
Neera Tanden had some emails of her's leaked in 2015 by Wikileaks. In those emails we learned that Tanden argued that Lybia should be paying us back after we bombed them.
Under her leadership the Center for American Progress censored a report on Islamophobia to protect its relationship with billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
Neera Tanden, questioned CDC recommendations not to congregate in large groups while pushing in-person voting in March.

But quickly reversed her position when 'belief in science' advantaged her chosen candidate.
Just take a look at the people Neera Tanden supports:
Neera Tanden used an unbelievably awful race analogy in order to defend the sexual assault accusation of Tara Reade.
More terrific people that Neera Tanden surrounds herself with
Here's Neera Tanden laughing it up with fascist Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
After the 2010 midterms Neera Tanden and her Center for American Progress tried to push for cuts to social security
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