Every teen should get to see themselves represented on the page and on screen. LGBTQIAP+, BIPOC, and disabled characters are routinely killed off, erased, and sidelined in TV and film. It is incredibly damaging and it must stop. #SomethingToSay
We deserve to see ourselves in all kinds of stories. We deserve to be happy. We deserve to save the world and LIVE. We deserve more than scraps and coding and having things left “open to interpretation.” #SomethingToSay
Positive & affirming LGBTQIAP+ representation changes lives. Seeing yourself represented can restore hope, decrease feelings of isolation, increase connection to community, and change negative self-perceptions. Negative representation can have the opposite effect. #SomethingToSay
You deserve to see yourself, fully. You are not naive or silly for wanting to see yourself and being deeply hurt when you never do. Stories touch us, deeply. We deserve to see ourselves in them. #SomethingToSay
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