@iseult rightly calls out @amnesty for their incredible myopia & overreach in signing a letter which lobbied the Gov & media to deny legitimate representation to those they considered undesirables. her thread is an amazing response to this authoritarianism, xenophobia & sexism. 1
@Colmogorman's dismissal of the rights held by & voices of citizens of differing views is abhorrent. His opinion of their personal/human merit, regardless of his denial of the factual nature of their beliefs, is beyond derogatory. His selective xenophobia is hypocritical. 2/
That the CEO of @AmnestyIreland expresses these views, doubles down on these views, disregards honestly held opinions, calls for the denial of representation & tries to claim misrepresentation when it's there in print are all resignable acts imo. His ethics are compromised. 3/
One can only assume by words & actions that he enforces a purity test to those who he disagrees with. Not only does he place women in different classes of subjective validity, but also immigrants & anyone in the Diaspora; incl my wife & myself. Different reasons; same result. 4/
What justification is there for the hatred, the abuse, the gaslighting, the obfuscation, the denigration, the disgust so many women face for refusing to accept the emotional blackmail that demands silence & acquiescence as a mandated kindness? It's not a denial of human rights 5/
to believe in the fact that there's a difference between sex based realities & yet there’s a common refrain that to try & engage in this debate is hateful, violent, bigoted. It’s not. It’s critical thinking, something we’re fast losing in this age. So many women publicly & 6/
anonymously, & at great risk to their personal & professional safety, have the courage of their convictions & are pilloried for them. & anyone who agrees is done for in the same way or intimidated into silence. The same as always. Belittled into obedience. 7/
No Debate is the bully's way.

If people are so sure of their argument then debate should be welcomed as a way to prove your point. Personally, i think it's the wrong fight to try & tell all women that their biological reality is meaningless, hateful or overstated. 8/
In regards to the right or wrong side of history, I believe that those who have physically or verbally attacked or intimidated women speaking on their rights; those who celebrate or revel in book burning; those who call for political representation to be denied 9/
are are on a side that I don't want any part of. The dogmatic aggressor & the book burner are never on the right side of anything. 10/
Thank you, @iseult for taking this stance & lending your voice & incredible family's weight of history. As you said, we'll never agree with all of each other's views; what a strange & boring world that would be. But the right to speak to our differences is paramount.
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