The consistent critical acclaim for Dominick Fernow's work in mainstream + underground avant-garde, metal, noise, and techno outlets is depressing evidence that there are few repercussions for longstanding affiliations with fascist artists.

Metal's the worst, but it's not alone.
Was looking at the new Vatican Shadow on 20 Buck Spin and revisited this 2006 hagiography in Pitchfork where dude is pictured bro-ing down with Mikko Aspa and recommends a mid-00s greatest hits of nazi metal with ZERO pushback.
It's a good to shit on Burzum and Phil Anselmo or whatever but the whole point of *systemic* racism is that it's more than "a few bad apples."

It's not just cops murdering people in the streets. It's also the quiet "business as usual" things that most people ignore.
Considering how often I run into low-key "aPoLiTiCaL" fascists while vetting music for my show – with the classic "is [TK BAND] nazis" search query – the more it seems like A LOT of people in metal mostly don't care.

It really bums me out.
Cold comfort to remember that a guy like Fernow with a long history of dabbling in fascist aesthetics and promoting + collaborating with open fascists gets love from Resident Advisor, Quietus and Pitchfork as well as all the usual credulous metal people.
NSBM is obvious trash. It's more insidious when someone like Fernow gets so many glowing profiles with few questions – or even mentions – of his connections with open fascists like Aspa.

That Pitchfork list is almost exclusively NSBM and nobody says a word? It's weird and sad.
It's even worse that Stosuy offers reassurances that Fernow isn't "hipster metal" (what a relief!) and that he *really* knows what he's talking about.

And then the weird disclaimer is that he's involved with the NSBM he's pushing but gets a pass due to his sincere enthusiasm?
It's a tremendous example of long-game gaslighting.

All of this is easily found online with only a couple clicks – usually the first page of search results – so I don't feel like I'm calling anyone out with ancient cached content or screenshots of deleted posts.
I'm not saying "X artist is a racist who thinks racist thoughts while creating racist art that will encourage you to be more racist and to do racist things."

It's easy to say "X artist is a Nazi!" and for the artist to say "no I'm not." Which is good enough for a lotta heads.
More like "I like the new Vatican Shadow but I'm not comfortable giving money to an artist who is so often affiliated with people promoting political ideologies that I believe contribute to IRL oppression and the proliferation of fascist politics."
It's good to condemn this shit, but sometimes maybe more convincing to point things out – hold up a mirror – and say "seems weird to me that nobody's talking about this even though the artist isn't doing anything to hide it."
a RECAP in case yr new here:

I like some of Dominick Fernow's music. Some of my frustration over his collaborations with openly fascist artists is selfish: I don't wanna be left out. But my itch to avoid artists who promote oppressive ideologies – crypto or overt – is stronger.
I couldn't cancel Fernow even if I tried.

As a 40-something artist, Zen student, and low power FM radio DJ laying low in East Central Indiana, I have marginal influence at best.

Dude will be fine if this impacts sales to the left-leaning Midwestern psychedelic yoga community.
I'm not saying "dude is a Nazi."

I'm saying it's weird to me that Fernow repeatedly gets a pass for things that would figure more prominently in editorial and artistic decisions regarding musicians who aren't as smart, edgy, or cool.
There are many examples of Fernow's support of and collaborations with openly fascist musicians.

Fernow obviously thinks a lot about his voluminous output, and it would be insulting to suggest that he's unaware of who he's collaborating with, or the music he's promoting.
ez e.g.

Fernow's band Ash Pool contributed to the comp EIGHT ACTS OF ORIGIN (2008) alongside self-identifying Nazi bands like Gaszimmer.

The comp's "limited to 488 hand-numbered copies," and Ash Pool's song "Shade of Rape" is last on Side 88.
This isn't super ambiguous?

FWIW Ash Pool's latest release is the song "Dogs R*pe Her" on a 2019 split with Thy Serpent.

Because underground metal is very normal and healthy this is considered less controversial, but also … very much not for me.
Am I missing something? There's no question that Fernow's worked with and boosted these people, it's not hidden.

Was there some believable disavowal or clarification other than the standard "I'm simply very apolitical and authentic about my interest in eXtReMe taboos" dodge?
If you're jumping on a compilation draped in barely concealed white supremacist codes alongside open Nazis in 2008, are you ready to work with artists like OPN and Kelly Moran by 2020?

And here's screens from a 2001 interview with Fernow associate and collaborator Mikko Aspa aka Clandestine Blaze

not linking but via Chronicles of Chaos

cw: Aspa has strong opinions about "make good future for our kids," gypsies and "street [neighbors]"
and here ...

(L) Fernow & Aspa in P4K boosting Aspa's Northern Heritage label

(R) Aspa's band Vapaudenristiat at a benefit for a member of the "national socialist organization Nordic Resistance Movement" imprisoned for killing someone at a protest

I'm curious to know why Fernow gets a pass.

I'm not in a hurry to revise my inconsequential resistance to jamming Prurient, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement, or Vatican Shadow in private, never mind associating myself with him as a critic, artist, or low power FM radio DJ.
Maybe he's just exploring "fetishishm, sado-masochism, iconography and ... mythology," but many of the people he's kept company with and boosted over the years are serious about supporting real-world fascism.

Draw your own conclusions, but IMO it's at least worth mentioning.
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