Great resets you missed... (see thread)
Did you ever wonder what was Prohibition was all about? Completely irrational and out of character. Hint: It came to an end AFTER Standard Oil finished building out its nationwide gas station network. Alcohol-fueled vehicles killed. Mission accomplished.
Why was the US in WW? It was a family dispute between English & German royalty over who would dominate world markets. Pay off: Massive derailment of US labor & other socially progressive forces, very powerful at the time. Pentagon, draft, Fed, income tax were "bonuses"
I meant WWI. WWII is a different story, but that was a reset too. Pre-war US-NAZI collaborators (Standard Oil, GM, Ford, DuPont, Chase Manhattan, IBM etc.) were all rooting for the Nazis and gifted them with massive pre-war financing and tech transfers incl military ones.
The Depression and the New Deal: Roosevelt and friends kept the US in a never-ending Depression to centralize federal power under the cover of providing social services.
The Cold War: Final handing of the keys of the nation to the military industrial complex - defense contractors and the treasonous military brass and politicians who love them.
Here's another (they're everywhere): Why did US (i.e. DuPont & Hearst) suddenly make one of the most useful plants in human history illegal? Engineers had figured out how to use it on an industrial scale that would replace many chemicals/other materials.
And that's not all.
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