A brief history of transphobia:

- “There’s two genders because God!”
- “There’s two genders because chromosomes!”
- “There’s two genders because gametes!”

Spoiler alert: They just keep substituting new words for “God” while pretending to understand science
At every step they’re frantically scrambling to find a new way to rationalize their original conclusion. That’s how bigotry works. It is anti-reason.
TERFs got so mad they did what they always do: Tweet ridiculous things without a hint of irony
“But there’s only two gametes!!!!1111”

Sex is more than gametes, sorry! Just as the act of sex is about more than just reproduction! Sorry your regressive worldview doesn’t hold up to scrutiny!
“But how else will people know who to fuck to make babies?????”

People reproduced before they knew how babies were made, or knew how to speak, or possessed any sentience at all, you big silly goose! Animals just fuck without purpose. Reproduction sometimes—but not always—results
Regressives cling desperately to their original conclusion and REFUSE to listen or learn. They only ever engage in a pantomime of learning, where they learn only as much surface-level knowledge as is necessary to “fight back” and reassert their original dogmatic view
And the only reason they don’t is because right-wing “culture war” nonsense has no reason (at present) to politicize the periodic table 😂 https://www.twitter.com/thetessoftime/status/1333202486245486592
Your senses are a mirage. Your instincts can only ever act on a mirage, and you cannot truly know what is instinct and what is not.

Every transphobic argument is, at its root, an appeal to religious fundamentalism. Even when it tries to drape itself in science.
“Science is facts!!!!!” is itself stealth fundamentalism. Science deals in empirical data and models, neither of which are “facts”
Science doesn’t deal in “truth” either. Science is a method of modeling the world, where models are modified and refined over time.

Newtonian physics isn’t “truth,” but is very powerful in specific contexts.
Quantum mechanics and general relativity are neither “facts” nor “truth.” They are instead very effective models that have allowed humans to predict natural phenomena.

Biology is a mushier field than physics. It is not filled to the brim with “facts” or “truth” either.
Pseudoscientific parody of real science, like we see from TERFs and various other regressive groups, is what one should expect from a society that sends everyone to Sunday school while devaluing philosophy.
TERF: *holds up a map* I found the territory!
Regressives that pretend to know about science always strike me as the kind of people who think electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom like a little planet
It gets worse 😂 https://www.twitter.com/setoacnna/status/1251604914113056768
The word-swapping I mention at the start of this thread never ends, by the way. It's a game with no endpoint https://twitter.com/someotheralex/status/1335726720947789825
Reactionaries always play defense against *their own ability to learn new things*. Once they finally give in and learn a new thing, they will just dig in their heels again with new verbiage, and desperately try to reassert their original claim.
Some day, TERFs will learn about ovotestes, and the scramble for a new substitution of "God" will begin again
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