this shit is so dumb. I’m a junkie and an alcoholic I had zero problem with how they depicted her in this show. We use drugs we aren’t fucking idiots. We are able to contextualize things. Take your paternalism and shove it. I’m a grown ass woman.
I know the difference btwn watching the wire and the queens gambit. I’m not a child. Stop treating me like one under the guise of wokeness. It’s clear you don’t see drug users as full actualized human beings.
And actually I thought they did a great job maybe not depicting the horrors of addiction itself but they did a fantastic job on emphasizing how addiction happens to even smart “good” ladies due to trauma. They did a great job with that.
These takes are paternalistic and tiresome. We can speak for ourselves and personally I like shows in which we can talk about something like addiction an issue that effects millions of Americans yet we never fucking talk about it.
And yeah when I was doing drugs hardcore since I was middle class my teeth weren’t falling out in fact I got compliments galore cuz I was so skinny. I got hooked to the compliments just as much as the drugs. How so many middle class addicts struggle with ED.
I wish maybe I looked worse so maybe I got help sooner but idk that wouldn’t come with a whole host of other problems. Addicts aren’t a monolith. We are yeah those junkies you see on the street, me when I was homeless, but also your friend, coworker, boss.
This was more a thread on who gets people to feel sorry for them esp as a woman is such a minefield. Jesus.
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