Did I really just read this from a translator...?
Extremely disappointed... https://twitter.com/ZackDavisson/status/1332081914782511104
A language inherently contains cultural elements of its contry, you can never dissociate the 2. You can't really understand a language without at least touching the surface of its place of origin. So saying that entertainement isn't there to teach you the culture is just yikes
the culture of its place of origin**
I'm not saying that an anime/manga's first goal is to teach you the culture, but if you think that this isn't part of what it does then you're completely mistaken and I have every right to question the way you translate stuff
I'm not even opposed to that Nii-nii translation tbh, and I don't think people should harass a translator over such a thing anyway (you hear the girl say it anyway so just get over it if it bothers you THAT much), so don't get me wrong. But this... This was just... nope
(Said translator actually made an interesting thread about it that went into translation theories so go check it if you want)
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