The science fiction and white nationalism thing is so interesting considering that science fiction is a genre that's perfect for minorities in America, and people in countries destroyed by colonialism. The fantasy genre is great for conservatives in consistently looking backwards
The readymade excuse for never including Black people and people of color in those fantasy stories is that it wouldn't be "realistic" even in stories with dragons and honorable knights (they're all romanticized assholes). A similar goal exists of the all white "better" world.
So I have always thought that science fiction belonged to those who had been abused, because you can imagine a world that's not this one with its rules, history, and violence. And there are authors that do that. Same way that it was a great genre for feminists.
So it's interesting but not surprising I guess, that science fiction has that struggle. In one way, it offers an imaginative way forward for those who are suffering now, and in another way, the white nationalists use it to imagine the fullness of their genocidal fantasies.
This is why I was saying that I assumed white nationalists were more attracted to fantasy than science fiction. The standard idea of fantasy stemmed from a project to fight against a "dismantling" of the hierarchies of race, class, and gender:
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