Inspired by @brandonthezhang's The Art of Cold Email and @thecammartinez1's The Art of the Profitable DM

I want to give you my Cold DM process that landed me my opportunity with @RobbieCrab and Performative Speaking.

Want your DMs replied to?

You're in for a treat.

1/ Context...

This was in late August.

I was on Twitter for a month.

Had ~100 followers.

Posted 4 articles on 

And had just joined @WritersBlocHQ.

Robbie was also in this community.
2/ I'm scrolling through Twitter one night and see a @JamesClear post blowing up

He asked to suggest new accounts to follow

And a name I repeatedly saw was Robbie's.
3/ I clicked on him.

Trial lawyer.
SMU law.
Performative Speaking.

What the hell is Performative Speaking?

I wanted to learn more.

Went to his LinkedIn.

Has his own law firm.
Played college baseball.

BINGO! He's a baller!
4/ As soon as I saw "college athlete"

I knew I was going to reach out.

Every athlete knows that a connection with another college athlete is the most ideal situation.

*This will look different for every connection. Find commonalities that you both relate to.*
5/ What was my goal with the DM?

To get on his radar. To connect.

I had nothing of value to provide him...yet.

Just a genuine desire to learn.
6/ Crafting the DM.

Keeping that goal in mind, here's what I needed to include in my DM (next tweet):

> Make it personal, Use his Name.
> Show you've done research (I mention 3TT and PS Manifesto)
> Make myself vulnerable
> Clear CTA
7/ DM #1

Why it worked:

> Used his name
> Showed I read his work
> Made myself vulnerable
> Mutual online community connection
> Knows I'm a college athlete
> Clear CTA for a call
8/ Robbie and I got on a zoom shortly after.

We hit it off.

I got to know more about

> his background
> his college athlete experience
> transitioning into law
> and now into the online world.
9/ The Performative Speaking online course had me hooked.

Remember, this is late August, so I figured he's doing most of this alone.

I knew I could provide *something*.

After the call I began brainstorming what the PS community could look like.
10/ What free value can I provide Robbie?

> PS newsletter
> Class format
> Breakout rooms

I had ideas for creating the best online course community and wanted to provide that for him.

At the very least, he'd appreciate it and I'd feel good about donating my time.
11/ I was so excited that I sent him a DM that night.

I kept the same things in mind:

> Personal
> Show you've done research
> Provided value
> Clear CTA

This time,

The CTA was for him to say "yes" to working together.
12/ DM #2

> Reminded him what we spoke about
> Reconnected over our views on "teams"
> Suggested ideas for PS
> Clear CTA
13/ His response...
14/ He appreciated the initiative I took in reaching out in providing value.

Next thing you know I'm on the PS team with some of the coolest people I never knew existed 2 months prior.
15/ So what can you do to achieve similar results?

I have 3 pieces of advice:

1. Reach out to the right people
2. Be value-centric
3. A clear CTA

1. Reach out to the right people

You can be curious and eager to learn, but if that person has a full team behind them, it's difficult to succeed.

Seek out up and coming creators.

They need help, so provide that value for them.

2. Provide Value

@jackbutcher's Permissionless Apprenticeship came to mind when I first gave my ideas to Robbie.

He didn't ask for it - I just gave it to him.

Don't ask people what you can do for them.

Give yourself a job and provide value at no cost.

3. Have a clear call to action (CTA)

You can have the most elite DM, but if the other person doesn't know what to do after reading

You've lost.

Make sure they know EXACTLY what to do after reading.

You'll get all the replies.
19/ Twitter is the new LinkedIn.

This is a legitimate opportunity I've been able to acquire through social media.

No resumes.
No coffee chats.
No networking events.

I was fueled solely by curiosity, willingness to be vulnerable, and eagerness to learn.
If you got value from this thread, why not give it a like and RT?

It'd get this information out to more people!

I appreciate you for it.

But wait...
If you want to speak like the best, Performative Speaking is the premier course for you.

Cohort 2 begins 1/11.

DM me or Robbie to learn more. 
You can follow @SeenConnors.
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