There are some habits that - if your goal is to be swole (likely if you're following me) you should be aiming to incorporate into your life to SUPERCHARGE your muscle building capabilities.

Here they are:
1. Eat More:

If your weight has stalled, its likely you're not eating enough. Additionally, eating more (quality) food means you:

Sleep better,
Recover better
Repair Muscle
Have more energy for hormone production
Can lift more
2. Eat only quality whole foods:

View your Training as the REWARD for Eating Perfectly.

It's easy to train. It's not as easy to eat naturally, to eat only food you prepare yourself and to eat every 1.5 hours (roughly). More animal meats, organs, less dry chicken + broccoli.
3. Sleep like a King

9 Hours every night and a nap in the early afternoon.

If you want to be swole? this is a non-negotiable.

The majority of muscle repair occurs during quality sleep, and the follow on effect of sleeping on biological processes and energy means tired = small
4. Hydrate

Roughly 4L of water per day depending on your size is a good estimate. This will rise and fall depending on your perspiration during the day.

Get a quality water filter and consider adding salts and/or magnesium to improve efficacy of the water.

The defining factor in your muscle gain long term is stacking the days/weeks/months/YEARS in which you complete your required tasks for muscle.

Each day, lift(minus rest days), eat enough, sleep enough CONSECUTIVELY. No small bursts then backslides.
6. No / Limited Alcohol

Booze is an ultimate gains goblin. Couldnt be anything more harmful to muscle gain.

Ruins sleep, dehydrates, endocrine disruptor, poor decision making, hangover ruins next days training

You can drink (sometimes) with intention but less is more here.
7. Stretching

Stretch daily as rigorously as you lift weights.

Focus on the muscle group you trained that day, as well as doing a general all round Stretch.

Optimal range of motion means access to more muscle cells = swoler body

Here is a guide for your use.
8. Lift for Utility, not Ego

Lifting a weight for shit form and lacking full range of motion won't help you.

You might be 'lifting' the weight, but are you stressing the muscles you want to work?

It's likely you're compensating somehow, restricting your optimal growth.
9. SUN

Test boosting, circadian rhythm timing, Literal energy to your body, you'd be a fool not to maximise your time in the sun on as much of the body as possible.

Your health will improve enormously, and when we improve health we improve our body's ability to gain muscle.
10. Semen Retention

There is no greater concentration of vitality than practicing longer term retention of our male life energy.

No longer spilling energy and vital nutrients daily, your Test maxxes + you become much more of a masculine force overall.

Powerful for lifts.
11. Rest Days

Muscles are built at rest, not while in the gym. Having enough rest days, while counterintuitive means you will grow more muscle.

In general, you should have the mentality of:

In the gym - LIFT, SMASH, REAP, POWER,

Outside the gym - namaste, recover, relax,
12. Cortisol Management

Stress is needed to elicit change and push our bodies, but an excess amount of it wreaks havoc on the body and our ability to retain muscle.

Fixing your relationships, destressing overall
13. Supplement Key Nutrients

There are some essential nutrients that we want to supply our body with an excess of:

Organ Meats

A layman's nutritional needs are much lower than someone lifting + we also want to an OPTIMUM amount.
This advice goes for everyone, regardless of gender or age.

If you're truly committed to following these tips, you're well on your way to giving your body what it needs to maximise your swole potential.
If you would like a delicious breakdown on how to eat for optimal bodybuilding potential, then also check out Cooking with Sol Brah

Over 65+ Pages of quality recipes, nutrition advice and glorious aesthetic photos of the meals you are about to create... https://gumroad.com/l/HtQbu 
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