Get married and it can feel like you don't have friends again. Everyone is giving you 'space'. Wish everyone would ask rather than assume.
Second observation: guy friends vanish in an instant. Same reasoning. But men who get married still maintain all their friendships with women, so what is this 'space' again??
We're already happy in our bubble. We're together all the time, but part of what makes the relationship so full is all the wonderful things you gain from your other relationships. Lose those and it can feel like just the two of you in the world.
I started noticing the difference in the lead up to the wedding. Not sure why everyone assumes you won't need anyone else once you get hitched. How you think I became so awesome if not for all the wonderful people I had in my life before?
There's definitely comfort in knowing you have a lifetime companion who won't give you random 'space' you didn't ask for. But damn, life only feels different because of the way other people treat you.
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