One more thread about Michele Flournoy: I first started working at the pentagon during the transition between G W Bush and Obama. I didn’t have much to do but I stayed until 9 pm every night because everyone else did. My boss was a woman who made me feel shitty & called me stupid
All the time. I would go home crying every night because of her. When Michele came on board she changed the entire pentagon culture. All of the sudden it was ok to go home to your family, she was a bright light in my life even though she didn’t know me and then
She said if you are working past 9
Pm you are not working smart, just hard. And she didn’t reward hard, she rewarded smart. She was kind and empathetic and she hired people who were the same. Her first hire was my best and most valued mentor @ColinKahl the most wonderful person
I ever met at the time. He told me I was good and I believed him. He was just passing on the lessons that Michele taught him. Point is, leadership is about people. And Michele believed in people...
People make up government and people’s happiness is what makes us great. Michele makes us great. And so she makes government great. She would be the best SecDef. It would be our honour to have her. We need more like her to lead us.
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