short thread on Issho Fujitora
i always found Isshos geniune curiosity regarding the morality of others to be fascinating. the gambling scene that served as his introduction exemplified his faith in others. he wanted to believe that everyone was honest, and chose to confide in them
this would later substantiate his role as a marine admiral; advocating for a just system in the face of a corrupt organization. The incidents with the warlords in both Alabasta and Dressrosa led him to understand how dishonorable the WG really was
just through this brief moment we delve into the mind of Fujitora. Treating his blindness as a “blessing”, allowing him to see the true essence of the people around him. And we later learn that his loss of eyesight was caused by himself
and this is pretty fascinating, a character who was unable to bear with the ugliness of the world and chose to avoid it. An excellent example of a marine with his own sense of autonomy and free spirit un suppressed by the grips of the government
indifferent to the image of the World Government, he focalizes on the truth. Contrasting Akainus “absolute justice”, he wants to portray the faults existent within the very place that serves the people. to him the ends DON’T justify the means
he even kneeled in prostration to accentuate his guilt and culpability on behalf of the WG for the incident with Doflamingo, that subjected the people of Dressrosa to terror for years. He seeks the truth and attempts to uncover the fraudulence behind the “protectors of justice”
Maintaining balance between the three world powers served as a catalyst for the implementation of this ideology into the abolishment of the warlord system. Understanding the repercussions behind allying with pirates led him to support Vegapunks alternatives to stabalize the world
i just wanted to say that these are my interpretations of the character and aren’t meant to be concrete in any way shape or form. so i hope y’all enjoyed this thread, and thanks for reading
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