This is far and away the most viral event of my life. I'm going to respond to some of the dominant themes in the replies.
First and foremost, the whole ignernt redneck trope doesn't work for me because I are one. To all the people who say we need to improve education I respond, what we have education can't fix.
I have a high school diploma from 1965, Kansas City, Missouri.
3. All my other education is various technology schools, factory schools, how to install fiber optics, program this and that, that kind of stuff. Here's a formal introduction.
4. I welcome and thank all the new followers, but the old gang who's been hanging out with me can tell you - I'm weird.
So - I'm not hating on Kentucky. I live in Missouri. In the sticks. If we had Mitch McConnell we'd elect him in a heartbeat.
5. What is going on here is a systematic mind control by information control process. The rednecks everyone hates, racism and all, is a product. There is a major information industry that sells the living shit out of it.
Rush Limbaugh and all his spawn. Rupert Murdoch and his.
6. Those companies are not there in response to a demand, they created the demand.
We - us good guys - we're a product too. And the war between us and them bad rednecks is sold 24 hours a day in almost all the information Americans have access to.
7. The "education" camp says we can educate these people so they won't fall for this shit.
It's. Not. Possible.
The flood of falsehood cannot be solved by an educated populace.
Half of everyone on Earth has below median intelligence.
Stupidity is not a choice. It's genetic.
8. I do not personally believe that it is possible to operate a society in which slickly packaged falsehood is presented as truth over electronic media.
Living out here in the middle myself, and being an old white hick with a high school diploma, I have watched this built.
9. It has not always been like this. It has never been perfect, but it has not always been like this.
They hacked the Constitution. It's like card counting in blackjack.
10. A bunch of smart lawyers looked at the Constitution and they said, "If we put our guy in as Senate Majority Leader we can stop the machine."
"And if we go after sparsely populated states, we don't have to fool very many people to take the Senate."
And they did that.
11. They looked at the people out here, and they said, "OK, those people have these particular buttons, this value structure. Go push those buttons."
This isn't a conspiracy theory. All the people who own the media are multibillionaires, they're all friends,
12. They all want the same ideal society, and if they can get all the people joined up in two teams at each other's throats, they don't have to conspire. It's like fishermen conspiring to want the lake stocked.
13. The primary reason I'm so weird is because I haven't had a television in my adult life. 50-plus years. I have intentionally avoided the flood of prepackaged information.
It's not the news, it's every word and moving image.
They did this to Kentucky and Missouri on purpose.
14. I don't know what to do about it, but none of our serious problems are going to go away while the loud electronic flickering fascinating fiction machine is going on.
Kentucky is a product. Mitch McConnell is an employee.
15. It's even bigger than capitalism. Communist states are just the same only worse. A handful of organized crime bosses and international respectable global business people are operating the whole world, pretty much, to their advantage.
Functional government is đźš« advantageous.
16. Mitch McConnell's job is to keep government from working, and to turn the Judiciary into a branch of industry. That's it.
And he's good at it.
And it's Constitutional.
We've got a problem.
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