THE MUSEUM THREAD: The pandemic has utterly decimated the Arts & Culture sector as a whole, which accounts for $877 Billion (4.5%) of our nation’s GDP and 5.1 Million workers, but let’s do a little deep dive on its impact on our nation’s museums. #NASAA
America’s museums are huge economic drivers, contributing $50 Billion to the GDP and 726,200 jobs.

A reminder that 68% of tourism is Cultural and that those who travel for Cultural events or to visit Cultural spaces spend nearly 2x as much as other tourists. Cultural tourists stay longer and spend more.

56% of surveyed museums have less than six months left to cover operations. Nearly ¼, or 23% have 3 months or less.

@AAMers the same time the eviction moratorium also ends, we’re facing a cataclysmic economic and humanitarian crisis in the dead of winter and at the height of a deadly pandemic.
@SenateDems & @SenateGOP Congress must act now. Not January 6th. Not January 21st. NOW. Not just for the Arts & Culture sector, but for the nation. Just remember: there is no American economic recovery without an Arts & Culture recovery. 
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