Peace isn’t a lack of violence as most liberals think, but rather controlled and directed violence to protect the working class against their natural enemies. 1/X
Even now, a time of so called “peace” (claimed by imperialists despite the perpetual endless global wars) violence - both indirect economic as well as direct physical - is directed by the bourgeoise against the working class to keep us suppressed, compliant and working. 2/X
This class war is in indirect form of deprival of healthcare, affordable housing, education, alongside other fiscal oppressive tools like parking tickets and bail. But also direct violence: police suppressing protesters, drug wars, busting worker strikes, or evicting families 3/X
It extends to even more nefarious and subtle warfare, think tanks and propaganda machines like the Heritage Fund, Fox News, and PragerUc designed to brainwash the working class into fascists to scapegoat their interests against lower social groups (immigrants etc) or the left 4/X
The bourgeoise like to promote the idea that rather than recognition of and opposition to this class warfare, peace is sanctioned sign holding. Voting. Petitions and permits. Some ephemeral idealist pacifism. To do so they elevate whitewashed defanged props of MLK or Gandhi 5/X
But in reality this is just another form of their class warfare. An ideological attempt to weaken, soften, and disarm the working class. Tell me, what does this accomplish against the above described class warfare against us other than turning us into martyrs? 6/X
Peace is not some fantastical idealism or utopic society lacking violence. If it was tell me who would defend the working class from bourgeoise and fascists attack? What force would distribute the means of society? Prevent environmental catastrophe? “Hope and change?” 7/X
Rather than an ABSENCE of violence (an impossibility) peace is simply force directed the OTHER way, upwards, towards the enemies of the working class and racially oppressed. It is force to distribute the means. Assure basic needs. Combat the environmental crisis 8/X
Peace comes from combating and defeating the bourgeoise class. It is building worker power. It is people’s judges. It is a people’s army. It is empowering people’s voice in the form of councils and syndicates. Peace is dismantling and continually suppressing the bourgeoise. 9/X
The question is not whether or not you want violence, but rather which way do you want violence directed? Would you rather it directed against you and fellow workers? Or against the those seeking your subjugation? 10/X
Instead of blindly flailing for some unobtainable idealism, let us instead organize, build our power, and direct violence away from us. Let us build a shield, a canopy over the working class where we can live in tranquility and solidarity forever. With love comrades ❤️✊🏼 11/X
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