
I've been told to "stay in my lane," which is tech.

But at some point all of us need to stand up. This is me standing up.

Here's the whole story in one tweetstorm ...
12 hours ago Trump tweeted that the PA election was rigged.

But ... the Pennsylvania court of appeals court rejected the Trump campaign’s challenge of election results.

The appeals court was composed of 3 Republican-appointed judges.

“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

- 3rd Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas
Bibas was personally appointed to his position by Trump.

While the Trump campaign has filed at least 41 cases, 26 have been denied, dismissed, settled or withdrawn so far, and the rest aren't looking good.
#BidenCheated2020 Increasingly, GOP senators and leading figures are saying Trump lost. GOP senators from Alaska and other states, plus former governmental leaders.

The list includes Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy (GOP senator from Louisiana)

Bill Cassidy (GOP senator from Louisiana) said "President Trump’s legal team has not presented evidence of the massive fraud which would have had to be present to overturn the election."

GOP leaders now telling Trump to stand down and concede includes Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Captio from West Virginia.

Plus Nebraska senator Ben Sasse (also Republican).

Even Florida senator Marco Rubio said "Taking days to count legally cast votes is NOT fraud" (along with "court challenges to votes cast after the legal voting deadline is NOT suppression.") ... plus many others, like GOP House Leader Jim Durkin, Illinois

A recount Trump's campaign paid $3M for in Wisconsin backfired, adding 132 votes for Biden. Georgia has been recounted 3 times, and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, has said that Trump should "leave quietly."

GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger also said "I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct ... the numbers reflect the verdict of the people, not a decision by the secretary of state's office or of courts or of either campaign."

So ... why is Trump refusing to concede?

Why is he saying one day he'll leave the White House if the Electoral College votes him out, and the next waffling on that and appearing to take it back?

Why does he continue to accuse everyone of fraud?

The most likely answer: MONEY.

Trump’s “Official Election Defense Fund” is taking donations to fight “election fraud.” But the fight itself is a fraud perpetrated on his most loyal supporters.

60% of a donation to Trump's "Official Election Defense Fund" goes to Save America, Trump's new leadership Political Action Committee that he set up less than a week after the election. The other 40% goes to the Republican National Committee.

So if someone donates $500, Trump's PAC gets $300, the RNC gets $200, and not a cent goes to the election defense fund.

Donations only start going to that fund once Trump's PAC reaches the legal contribution limit of $5,000 – and the RNC gets $3,000.

This means a supporter would have to donate over $8K before any money goes to the fund they think they're supporting.

That’s why Fred Eshelman, who donated $2.5m to help Donald Trump's crusade to overturn the elections, is asking for his money back.

Essentially Trump is burning down what, according to all settled litigation so far, is a largely legitimate election.
The fake media and pundits (ones for whom Trump can never do any wrong, no matter what he does, and are willing to lie, cover up, over-hype, mislead for the sake of growing their audiences and seeing their team win, whatever the truth might be) is enabling it.

The result is that millions of people who listen to those voices continue to believe a vast criminal conspiracy has stolen the election, against all evidence and judicial conclusions so far.

This is, frankly, tragic. It's sad. It's depressing. And it does not bode well for our collective ability in the future to have a shared understanding of reality.

This is "alternative facts" in full-blown rot.
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